Leitura Partilhada
domingo, janeiro 11, 2004
  CIRCE /MUD POEMS Margaret Atwood
"It´s the animals I´m afraid of, they weren´t part of the bargain, in fact you didn´t mention them, they may transform themselves back into men. And I really immortal, does the sun care, when you leave would you give me back the words? Don´t evade, don´t pretend you won´t leave after all: you leave in the story and the story is ruthless."

Margaret Atwood

"My body...a dessert island...your body...marred by war': the female body as space and the male body as time"

in Margaret Atwood's 'Circe/Mud Poems' ".

"Men with the heads of eagles
no longer interest me
or pig-men, or those who can fly
with the aid of wax and feathers

or those who take off their clothes
to reveal other clothes
or those with skins of blue leather

or those golden and flat as a coat of arms
or those with claws, the stuffed ones
with glass eyes; or those
hierarchic as greaves and steam-engines.

All these I could create, manufacture,
or find easily: they swoop and thunder
around this island, common as flies,
sparks flashing, bumping into each other,

on hot days you can watch them
as they melt, come apart,
fall into the ocean
like sick gulls, dethronements, plane crashes.

I search instead for the others,
the ones left over,
the ones who have escaped from these
mythologies with barely their lives;
they have real faces and hands, they think
of themselves as
wrong somehow, they would rather be trees."


"I made no choice
I decided nothing
One day you simply appeared in your stupid boat,
your killer’s hands, your disjointed body, jagged as a shipwreck,
skinny-ribbed, blue-eyed, scorched, thirsty, the usual,
pretending to be — what? a survivor?

Those who say they want nothing
want everything.
It was not this greed
that offended me, it was the lies.

Nevertheless I gave you
the food you demanded for the journey
you said you planned; but you planned no journey
and we both knew it.

You’ve fallen for that,
you made the right decision.
The trees bend in the wind, you eat, you rest,
you think of nothing,
your mind, you say,
is like your hands, vacant:

vacant is not innocent."

—Margaret Atwood (1974)

"Margaret Atwood's “Circe/Mud Poems” talk back to Homer's Odyssey and to the myths of Canada's indigenous peoples as well addressing the present, creating an ahistorical context for her lovers, Circe and Odysseus.
As the “Circe/Mud Poems” develop, Atwood raises the possibility of breaking the repetitive cycle of gender relations by having Circe seek to imagine new territory where individuals are responsible for their own mythologies."




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"ULISSES", de James Joyce (17 de Julho de 2003 a 7 de Fevereiro de 2004)

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Primeira Viagem Temática BLOOMSDAY 2004

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Primeira Tertúlia Casa de 3 2005

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